The Best Rock Guitarists Ever Listed

I remember as a kid the childish arguments about who was the best keyboard player, drummer, etc. ever. As I got older, I realized that there is no one greatest in anything. Is Bach greater than Mozart? Is Eric Clapton greater than Eddie Van Halen? Dave Weckl greater than Steve Gadd? Is Chick Corea greater than Keith Emerson? No of course not!
When you reach a certain level of proficiency and you are then able to focus on style, voicing, performance, etc. you become unique. You maybe be technically more proficient and better than most, you may have a unique and innovative sound and the mastery of your craft sets you apart. Far apart, and thus you enter greatness.
In this case I have compiled my list of the best rock guitarists in my opinion. You may be saying, Dave, with all due respect, you are a keyboard player. What the hell do you know about guitar and guitar players. Well dear friend, I would say, I am a musician, producer, composer and have worked with hundreds of guitar players. Some who are truly unique and exceptional and other just plain old sold and good guitar players, and even some not so good. I am also a good judge of talent and have many years of experience in which to base an objective opinion. As such, here is my list of the Top "Best" Rock Guitarists. They are listed generally and in no order of "topness".
A note before you all blow me up with people I may have missed and omitted for this top 10 list. I have chosen these guitarists based on the following criteria...Proficiency chops/craft, Unique and identifiable sound, Diversity - ability to play in many styles and sounds, Pioneering/Innovation - use of tremolo bar, technology, etc., Composer/Songwriter AND top musician, Melodic/solo and Rhythm chops, and just plain ole Awesomeness - the ability to hear a song and know immediately its that musician. And yes, there are many who could and maybe should been on this list. But they may not have met the above criteria. Hope you dig my list. I would be curious who you think should make the list. For fun, I will be from time to time sharing my list for other musicians and instrumentalists in coming blog posts.
- DF
T O P 1 0 B E S T R O C K G U I T A R I S T S
(Not in oder - general listing - based on the following criteria...Proficiency chops/craft, Unique identifiable sound, Diversity - ability to play in many styles and sounds, Pioneering/Innovation - use of tremolo bar, technology, etc., Composer/Songwriter AND top musician, Melodic/solo and Rhythm chops, and just plain ole Awesomeness - the ability to hear a song and know immediately its that musician.)
Eddie Van Halen
Tom Scholz
David Gilmore
Steve Lukather
Trevor Rabin
Brad Gillis
Randy Rhoads
Jimmy Page
Mark Knopfler
The Edge
Honorable Mention
Eric Clapton
Vernon Reid
Steve Via
Yngwie Malmsteen
Jimmy Hendrix
Steve Miller
Angus Young
Joe Walsh